Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the Transformation Begin!

YEAH! Just like that! I'm a magical girl after all! Right? No?... not so much?

Apparently, it isn't that easy. I don't have a magic wand and a command that just transforms me into a sailor scout, or anything like that. A real transformation of a person takes time. It is something many of us know very well. And something many of us give up on far too easily. I have asked many of you to join me on my journey through my transformation, and through my journey in search of good health and positivity! While I go through the steps of loving myself, and making my body healthy and happy, I hope some of you to go through the steps with me.

Between each rant and tips for good health, I will be posting about what I have learned on how to take care of myself, both body and soul. I will research better and more natural ways than what I know, and if anyone has a question, I would be more than happy to research the answer to that question, even experiment with it, and share my results with you with a blog entry. I hope to post every day, after all.

I also believe I need to make it clear that I intend on using methods that are in more of an all natural/organic route. As in, any products I use will be organic, and lacking in some of the harsh chemicals put into a lot of products. I will also be looking for methods that don't require products at all.

Anyways, now, I just want to share a little itinerary of what I hope to accomplish over my transformation:

  • First, My Skin. I want to conquer my skin issue. We all have acne. Some have it worse than others. And I don't have it that bad, but it does make me self-conscious, and I am determined to fix it. I also have a red nose and rosy cheeks that are pretty drastic compared to the pale of my skin. To top it all off, I have raccoon eyes. I'm talking serious bags beneath my eyes. People tell me its not that bad, but that's what they say seeing me with make-up on.

I was going to do this part in a vlog, but I decided I talk way too much, and nixed the idea. So, here's a picture of me a little bit ago. I had just washed my face, and I'm a little frazzled after the day. Sorry! Anyways, I circled my danger areas that I mentioned above, and this is mostly what I will be focusing on when researching and experimenting.

  • My Hair is a terrible weakness of mine. I have no idea how to do hair. I have no clue how to control it, how to style it, or how to even dry it properly. I just default to braids or a little bun if I need to put it up. Other than that, I just let it go. I usually try and rock some fringe bangs, but I've quickly found that keeping those maintained is ridiculously hard with the rate in which my hair grows, not to mention, my silly cowlicks that I have no control over. It is super fine, which means it will not hold anything. Bah.

Way to look crazy. This is how it is down.

  • My Body is fine in many people's eyes. Yes, I understand I am already small. But that doesn't mean I am healthy. The next time I hear someone tell me 'You are so tiny, you don't need to lose any more weight' I will deck. I'm serious. For one, I rarely say 'I want to lose weight' anymore, but so many people just assume its a weight issue when I say I would like to be in better shape. Seriously, I know so many people who are my size and smaller abusing their bodies with junk food and laziness. Even I have suffered from that, but I have been running and eating healthier, and I want to make a goal of that to continue that as long as I live. I'm still in the beginning stages, so I'll still have plenty of things to share about what I manage to do and learn.

  • My Sense of Fashion. One thing on my bucket list is to have a *successful* fashion blog, where I wear things I make and find, and share things with other fashion savvy people. Pffft, what a dream. But I've seen crazier things be done, and I know if I tried hard enough, I can do it. Baby steps. So my wardrobe is a disaster. Thus why I am doing daily outfits... (which is currently on pause from moving.)

  • My Attitude could be a lot worse, but it still isn't the best. I still find myself cussing and acting very unladylike, as well as thinking or saying mean things about people from time to time. I have no right to judge ANYONE, and I need to embed that into my brain. I also let bad things effect me for the rest of the day sometimes. As well, I feel like I need to act more professional, and make it seem like I care about being so. That last part is exceptionally hard for me, because I am obnoxiously shy, and have trouble communicating with people of authority (also making food orders is a challenge).

  • My Spirituality is lost. I don't know whether I'm agnostic, or religious, or just spiritual. I don't know what I believe in, but I want to find peace of mind, and I believe that finding that will help my overall attitude.

That about sums it up. All of this, as I experience it all, will branch off into different topics of discussion, new journeys, lessons I learn that I can share, etc.

I hope y'all will join me!



  1. (This is Kristin) You have inspired me to log into my blog that I haven't logged into for years! I was vaguely on the route to self discovery (If not slightly bleak person, ha ha) So I'll leave my previous posts and such, but I'm moving in this direction too! Let me know what you find out and I have a few tips (If you don't mind SLIGHT chemicals, ha ha) from my modeling days to help clear up eye bags, make your skin clear up and to give your eyes and cheeks a healthy glow instead of a red one (This one requires of no chemicals of any kind, only your hands.)

    1. Oh man, I am so happy you are doing this too. It is so encouraging to know that I'm not being ridiculous in the movement, and have been taken over by some hippy alien or something. I will be by your side every step of the way.
      And tips are always welcome, even if they are chemical based. Haha. >.< So far, my skin success has been... void... haha. I think its the heat...

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