Friday, April 26, 2013

You Can Take Your Life By The Reigns

Remember that, my friends. It is a difficult, cruel world out there, but if you let all of that get you down, and keep yourself from the potential in you, then what is the point really? I am a firm believer that the only person who can make you happy is YOU. And that goes hand in hand with the fact that only YOU can make positive changes to YOUR LIFE.

Now, don't think I'm trying to say that bad things wont happen if you do stay positive, but I just want you to know that if you keep your head up, and brush yourself off when the bad things do happen, that it will be that much easier to overcome.

I've suffered through some bad things, just like anyone else. I recently pulled myself out of depression, although I am still not 100% sure if it was depression. I say this, because I did tend to be super stubborn when it came to my emotions, and I was convinced I was fine, while everyone around me could see I was not. Sure, it took a huge move away from my home town to get me to recognize I was in a very deep, 20 year funk. A year ago, I moved to my current location, blind to knowing anyone, didn't know the location all that well, no job lined up, and no solid plan. It was scary, but as soon as I jumped over that hurdle, I promised I would build a new person, and I could see that I really had not been happy in the least. Its hard to recognize sometimes when those negative feelings are just something you are use to.

I'm not saying you have to make a big move in order to find peace of mind, or happiness, but there are so many baby steps you can take. I have a few suggestions (at least things that help me), if you'd like to see them:

1. Make extra effort doing the little things you enjoy be it drawing, writing, reading, going out with friends, out for coffee, taking long walks, watching your favorite film. It doesn't matter how busy you are, or *think* you are, if you just take a little time out of every day, or every other day to do something you like, it may help you relax and feel better at least for a little bit.
2. Make a list! A list of anything at all! I love list making, and it really helps me calm down and put things into perspective. I write lists of what I want to do that day, week, or month. I write lists about my favorite films, where I want to travel, my life goals, anything!
3. Make a short term goal! Long term goals are awesome and all, but we often make them and get overwhelmed by how much we have to do to obtain them, or how far in the future it might take. A short term goal is easier to focus on, and is much less stressful and can often be just as rewarding. Currently, my short term goal is to play the G scale on my mandolin without making any mistakes. ^^
4. Take a mental day off! From everything! If you can call in, cancel your plans with friends, or get a babysitter for your kids, and just get away for a while, or even just relax at home, drink some tea, read a book, lay out in the sun. It is really relieving to do such a thing. Some of us are so obsessed with filling every day of the week with something, and wonder why we are so stressed all the time. It is okay to have a lazy day every once and a while.

I'm sure my list could go on, but just remember when life gets you down, there are ways to make yourself feel better. Don't rely on anyone else to do it for you.

My Daily Photos:

I desperately need a new camera...

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